The University Lakes Project is now accepting bids for Phase 1 - Interim Landscape

Exciting changes are coming to
the University Lakes System.
A partnership between LSU and
state and local partners is working
to create a more sustainable lakes system through ambitious environmental restoration that will also add tremendous recreational value for all people of Baton Rouge.

What's Happening at the Lakes?
Phase 1 dredging in City Park Lake and Lake Erie is nearing completion and landscaping of the newly created shorelines should begin early in 2025. Improvements to May Street should also begin in early 2025.
Phase 2A work is also underway, with dredging commencing in College Lake and University Lake. Phase 2A dredging is scheduled for completion in February 2025, with shoreline landscape installation to follow.
Phase 2B, which includes dredging the sourthern one-half (approx.) of University Lake, received capital outlay funding from the State and is expected to begin in early 2025.
Recent Project News