Project Details
This Project Details page provides information about funding sources and amounts, and the contractual agreements among Partners and those securing professional consultants for the University Lakes Project.
To date, approximately $50 million has been committed from multiple sources over a period of several years.
Current Funding
Of the total amount committed, $35M has been secured this year and is being used to fund Phase I improvements. Contributing project partners are split evenly at $5M each.
BREC......................... $5M
EBR........................... $5M
State OCD.................. $10M
State Capital outlay..... $10M
DOTD......................... $5M
Future Phases
An additional $31M has been committed to future phases of the University Lakes project by way of memorandums of understanding from partner entities.
State Capital Outlay .... $26M (requested)
LSU Athletic Dept........ $5M
In the interest of transparency, links to the contractual agreements associated with the University Lakes Project are provided below.
Memorandum of Understanding for the University Lakes Project
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for the University Lakes Project Early Funding
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for the University Lakes Project Phase 1
Ground Lease and Sublease Agreement between LSU and University Lakes LLC
Geotechnical Data Collection and Sediment Sampling Services Agreement
There will be future contracting opportunities associated with the University Lakes Project. For more information, please contact Mark Goodson with the B&D/CSRS Joint Venture at